Saturday morning and whole qualifying practice was difficult for riders and teams, because of changing and demanding conditions, from wet to dry at some parts of the track to completley dry for some classes.
Class Supersport300, hungarian rider Kristof Barta was fastest and he will start the race from pole position, second was Makksymilian Palmowski in front of Kriszitian Szilagyi owho is closeing first row on third place.
Class Superstock600, Karlo Gršić was fastest, Vojtech Schwartz was second third was Kilian Holzer…
NG Class, Jonas Kocourek will start the race from pole position in front of Strahinja Kovačević…
SuperSport: Diego Milloch was fastest in front of Etien Kantar Božić on second place and Eryilmaz Furkan on third place…
Superstock100 class, MAx MElzer was fastest and he will start from Pole position in front of Mate Szamado on second place, Ales Brzin will start from third spot on the grid…
SBK, Christoffer Bergman will start from the pole position in front of Michal Filla on second place who was slower for just 0.290 sec. Thisr place on the grid is Dominik Nervo in front of Michal Prašek on fourth place.